Posts Tagged ‘Leftovers’


Repurposed Leftovers OR How I Deal with Leftovers

Every Monday I go grocery shopping. And every time I come home, I am faced with the prospect of putting the groceries away. This is normally a pretty simple task, but I face it with a bit of dread. In order to make room for the NEW groceries, I have to make use of last week’s groceries- peeled onions, the handful of lemon and lime halves, chicken carcasses, pieces of cheese, nubs of butter, etcetera.

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Samantha Food Geek versus the Refrigerator

I’m pretty good at moving our leftovers out of our refrigerator, but every once in a while, a monkey wrench gets thrown into my system and before you know it, I have a glut of leftovers in the refrigerator. Today was such a day. I came home with the weekly groceries and opened the fridge to find it crammed full of bowl, tupperware and other containers with food from last weeks dinners.

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